In association with


The Trago Mills SAH-1

Keeping • Heritage • Airworthy

CAA Regulations

SAHI cost sharing flights are operated fully in accordance with UK aviation law, and the best practice recommended by the Civil Aviation Authority. 

The flights exist to promote the aircraft design and provide flight experiences to those that might otherwise not have the chance. It is hoped that these experiences will motivate the next generation to enter the world of aeronautical engineering and related careers. There is also the benefit of increasing aircraft utilisation and pilot currency levels.

The following wording explains in more detail about how the ‘Cost Sharing’ system is allowed.

Passenger information.

What are cost sharing flights?

Cost sharing flights are flights shared by private individuals. The ‘cost-shared’ part is in reference to the costs of the specific flight which can be shared only between the pilot and others onboard the aircraft. These costs are the ‘direct costs’ which are the costs directly incurred in relation to a specific flight (e.g. fuel, airfield charges, rental fee for an aircraft plus the variable costs should be taken into account such as the hourly costs for the engine etc). There can be no element of profit for the pilot as these flights are not commercial, and if profit is suspected then the flight might be operating outside of the regulations and therefore be illegal. The pilot must pay a contribution to these direct costs.

The safety and conduct of any flight including cost-shared flights it the responsibility of the pilot in command of the aircraft. The pilot must conduct the flight in accordance with the applicable regulation for non-commercial flights with light aircraft by private pilots. It is also the pilot’s responsibility to ensure the flight is appropriately insured, although passengers may want to check that any personal life, accident and/or health insurance they have is valid for non-commercial flights.

Passengers should be made aware that the pilot may amend or cancel the flight for any reason, including at short notice and that the proportion of the costs must be shared by the pilot. If the flight does not take place, then no remuneration (money or exchange of gifts) should be exchanged between the pilot and passengers.

Passengers are not taking part in a commercial flight but in a leisure flight with a private pilot. The pilot has a duty not to undertake flight if the conditions are not suitable.

Where cost shared flights are arranged through online platforms the CAA recommends the use of only websites that have signed up to the European Aviation Safety Agency “Charter to promote the safety of non-commercial General Aviation flight with light aircraft by flight sharing companies”. Platforms that have signed up to this charter support the provision of appropriate information to both pilots and passengers and helps to ensure that cost-shared flights are conducted within the scope of the regulation.

Safety standards

Commercial aviation in large passenger carrying aircraft has now achieved exceptional safety standards, a standard that would be unachievable by lighter sport, recreational and personal transport aircraft. The safety of non-commercial light aircraft is more comparable to other recreational activities than the much higher standard achieved in commercial aviation.

It is recommended that any promotion of cost-sharing, and conversations with pilots providing flights, should inform you as a potential passenger, of the safety levels of General Aviation flights with light aircraft as compared to those of commercial flying.
The CAA’s UK Aviation Safety Review (CAP1595) provides such comparisons.

Is it legal?

European and national regulation states that pilots are allowed to share flights as long as the aircraft does not carry more than five passengers in addition to the pilot. Furthermore, costs can only be shared, pilots are not allowed to make any profit on the flight. Because cost shared flights remain private, the pilot does not need a commercial pilot’s licence to share the cost with passengers.

If you have concerns over the legality of any flight that have or are going to take place please refer to our webpage for reporting safety concerns.

Please see the FAQ page for more detail about how this applies to SAHI specifically.